Amin Mahmoudi
Author, Programmer, Speaker, and Adviser

Amin Mahmoudi

Amin Mahmoudi is working at the Southeast University, Nanjing, China. He was selected as the World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University in 2023 in artificial intelligence. He is an active member of IAPA (Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia) and ACS (The Professional Association for Australia’s ICT sector). He published several research papers in high-quality journals such as Applied Soft Computing, Expert Systems With Applications, Business Strategy and the Environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, etc. He also published two books in the field of Project Management. He is currently the guest and area editor of The Journal of Grey System, Journal of Project Management, SN Operations Research Forum, Management Science Letters and Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications. His main research interest is Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, project management and supply chain management.


  • Zhou, Q., Chen, S., Deng, X., & Mahmoudi, A. (2022). Knowledge transfer among members within cross-cultural teams of international construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.

  • Liu, P., Hendiani, S., Bagherpour, M., Ghannadpour, S. F., & Mahmoudi, A. (2019). Utility-numbers theory IEEE Access, 7, 56994-57008.

  • Zhang, N., Deng, X., Hwang, B. G., Bi, M., & Mahmoudi, A. (2021). A novel approach to selecting the best partner for high-speed rail firms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.


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